Borzoi Dog Cost

Borzois, also known as Russian Wolfhounds, are a handsome and gentle giant breed. Known for their graceful, athletic build and calm demeanor, Borzois make wonderful family dogs. However, like many large and rare breeds, Borzois do have some initial and ongoing expenses owners should be prepared for.

In this article, I'll outline the typical upfront and recurring costs you can expect as a Borzoi owner. I'll break things down into clear sections and provide helpful bullet points, links, and images to give readers a well-rounded overview.

My goal is to offer honest, useful information to help people determine if owning a Borzoi is the right fit for their lifestyle and budget.

Upfront Borzoi Expenses

Purchasing a Borzoi puppy or adult dog requires certain initial investments. Here's a breakdown of common start-up costs:

  • Borzoi Purchase Price: Expect to pay $1,500 - $3,000 for a well-bred Borzoi puppy from a reputable breeder. Adopted adult Borzois may cost $500-1000 from rescues.
  • Supplies: Items like a crate, carrier, leash, collar, food/water bowls, and chew toys will set you back $300-500 for a new puppy.
  • Grooming Equipment: Important grooming supplies like brushes, combs, shampoo, conditioner, and shedding tools are around $100-200.
  • Training Classes: Obedience classes for puppies are $100-200 on average to help with potty training and basic commands.

Most Borzoi owners budget around $2,000-$3,500 total for start-up expenses depending on whether adopting a puppy or adult dog.

Recurring Borzoi Costs

In addition to the initial investments, Borzoi ownership involves ongoing recurring expenses:

  • Food: Plan to spend $50-80 per month to feed a Borzoi a high-quality diet appropriate for their needs. Feeding a puppy may be slightly more.
  • Grooming: Frequent brushing is essential, plus annual grooming runs $50-100. Expect occasional vet grooming for difficult mats at $20-40 per session.
  • Toys/Supplies: Budget $30-50 monthly to keep your Borzoi entertained with safe toys and any replacement supplies.
  • Daycare/Boarding: Daycare when working full time is $20-30 per day. Boarding averages $25-50 per day when traveling.
  • Training: Sign up for additional obedience and activity classes at $100-200 average for 6-8 weeks.
  • Vet Care: Plan on $200-400 annually for checkups, vaccines, flea/tick prevention, and any extra care like heartworm prevention. More if medical issues arise.

On average, expect to pay $300-500 per month or $3,600-6,000 per year total for recurring Borzoi costs depending on your individual dog's needs.

Is Borzoi Ownership Affordable?

Borzois are a major financial commitment upfront and monthly. However, there are ways to offset costs:

  • Purchase pet insurance to help cover unexpected medical bills.
  • Shop for affordable, high-quality foods in bulk when possible.
  • Provide vet-recommended preventative care to avoid pricier issues down the road.
  • Train basic commands yourself for low-cost obedience.
  • Consider adopting a mature Borzoi to skip the pricier puppy phase.

Cost-Saving Tips for Borzoi Owners

While Borzois do require a financial commitment, there are ways you can trim expenses over the long run:

  • Feed a high-quality dry food. Dry kibble is more affordable than canned and typically sufficient nutrition for Borzois. Buy from wholesale stores in large bags when possible.
  • Make your own training treats. Yogurt drops, bits of boiled chicken or hot dogs can be budget-friendly reward options instead of store-bought treats.
  • DIY grooming tricks. Use a high-velocity dryer to blow out loose hair instead of professional deshedding. Make your own conditioning spray with water and essential oils.
  • Schedule vet visits carefully. Stick to annual visits unless truly necessary. Ask for generic medications when affordable.
  • Train basic care yourself. Learn to trim nails and clean ears at home. Groom mats with a slicker brush before they need a vet trim.
  • Socialize at local parks. Exercise your Borzoi freely at parks instead of pricey daycares when possible.
  • Consider pet sitters or Rover. Hiring an insured pet sitter through Rover may be cheaper than kenneling for short trips.

With some creativity, you can significantly cut costs while still providing a great quality of life for your beloved Borzoi companion. Let me know if you need any other budgeting advice!

Lower-Cost Alternatives to Owning a Borzoi

While Borzois make wonderful pets, their costs may exceed some owners' budgets. These alternative options provide a similar large dog experience at a more affordable price point:

Adopt a Borzoi Mix

Borzoi mixes in shelters and rescues can often still have the beloved Borzoi traits but be less expensive. Breeds like Borzoi Shepherds or Borzoi Hounds are common mixes with more moderate needs.

Adopt a Retriever or Hound

Breeds like Labs, Goldens, Beagles and Greyhounds tend to have Borzoi's gentle personality in a slightly smaller, more affordable package with lower food/grooming costs.

Foster Dogs in Need

Fostering allows you to experience large dogs temporarily without long-term commitment. You provide a home until they're adopted but aren't on the hook for permanent ownership expenses.

Volunteer with a Rescue

If ongoing costs are prohibitive, consider volunteering your time walking shelter dogs. This allows canine companionship without the financial responsibility of adoption.

Consider a Future Borzoi

If determined, focus first on financial preparation. Build savings over time specifically for Borzoi costs so you're 100% ready when the time is right to bring one home.

Ultimately, owning a Borzoi requires adequate savings and a budget-conscious approach. But for committed owners who appreciate the breed, the costs are worthwhile for the companionship. With preparation, Borzois can be a affordable pet.


In summary, new Borzoi owners should expect a minimum of $2,000 upfront for supplies and around $300-500 monthly for food, grooming, training, and vet care. Through preventative healthcare, value pet insurance, and low-cost training alternatives, the costs of Borzoi companionship can be managed for dedicated owners. With their gentle energy and size, Borzois make lovely family dogs when their needs and expenses are carefully considered.

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