Blue Bay Shepherd Cost

Thinking about adding a Blue Bay Shepherd to your family? This lesser-known shepherd breed makes a wonderful companion but does require some preparation in terms of cost.

In this article, we'll break down the key expenses of owning a Blue Bay Shepherd and offer tips for successful, budget-friendly dog ownership.

Blue Bay Shepherd Puppies

On average, Blue Bay Shepherd puppies will range from $800-$1500 depending on the breeder. This initial puppy cost covers several important elements:

  • Breeder fees - Reputable breeders invest considerable time and money into their breeding programs and puppy socialization. Expect to pay $800-1000 for a puppy from a quality breeder.
  • Health certifications - All parents should have orthopedic and eye exams to screen for genetic issues. Breeders recoup these vet costs in their prices.
  • Shipping (if applicable) - Shipping a puppy safely by air can add $300-500 to the total depending on distance.

Keep in mind blue bay shepherds, like many herding breeds, are not a huge quantity breed. Plan to get on waiting lists at 18+ months in advance of when you want your puppy if choosing this route.

Start-Up Supplies

In the first few months, expect to invest around $500 in basic supplies for your new blue bay shepherd puppy:

  • Crate - $100-150 for a sturdy, escape-proof crate. It's essential for potty training and providing a den-like safe space.
  • Food bowls - $10-15 for stainless steel bowls that can withstand chewing.
  • Collar and leash - $30-50 for an adjustable nylon or leather collar and 6-ft leash.
  • Toys - $10-20 for chew toys and interactive toys that are safe for puppy teeth.
  • Bed - $30-50 for a comfortable orthopedic dog bed they can call their own.
  • Grooming supplies - $30-50 for brushes, shampoo, nail clippers, etc. to care for thick coats.
  • Training treats - $10-20 worth of small, soft treats for housebreaking and obedience lessons.

Recurring Costs

Here are some average annual costs to budget for owning a fully grown Blue Bay Shepherd:


$300-600 per year - A high-quality kibble tailored for larger breeds, plus additional treats or chews. Consider slightly more for a growing puppy in their first 18 months.


$150-300 per year - Their dense double coat requires weekly brushing and periodic trims. Figure on at least four grooming appointments per year.

Toys & equipment replacement

$50-100 per year - Chew toys don't last long with powerful herding breed jaws! Replace worn collars, leashes and other equipment periodically.

Training & classes

$100-300 per year - Basic obedience training is essential, plus consider sport activities like agility. Enroll in periodic class sessions to reinforce lessons.

Boarding or daycare

$1500-3000 per year - Not required if someone can let them out daily, but plan this cost if often traveling without your furry friend.


$500-1000 per year - Yearly wellness exams, vaccines, flea/tick prevention, potential unexpected vet visits or procedures add up.

Calculating True Cost of Ownership

To estimate the true long-term investment of owning a Blue Bay Shepherd, tally up all projected one-time and recurring costs over a 10-15 year lifespan. For a higher estimate, plan closer to $80,000 for the lifetime needs of this breed as a family member. However, their affection and trainability make them well worth the price tag for many dog lovers.

Saving Money on Ownership

Some tips for keeping Blue Bay Shepherd expenses low without sacrificing quality include:

  • Neuter/spay to deter expensive behavior issues or accidental breeding down the line.
  • Feed a high-quality kibble in appropriate portions for life stage to avoid pricey vet issues.
  • Learn basic grooming and first aid skills to do more yourself.
  • Use Rover or local resources for "doggy daycare" playdates vs professional boarding when traveling.
  • Shop vet services prices and use lower-cost clinics when possible vs emergency rooms.
  • Invest in durable, chew-proof toys versus replacing plush toys often.
  • Take advantage of lower-cost pet insurance when young and healthy.

With preparedness and some frugal handling, Blue Bay Shepherds can certainly fit most budgets while providing unconditional love and laughter for years to come.

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