Groundworks Model 21617 Dehumidifier Cost

Estimated Cost

Groundworks Model 21617 Dehumidifier estimated cost over a year would range from approximately $1,700 to $2,500 for the low end and $2,500 to $5,000 for the high end, depending on usage patterns, maintenance requirements, and any unexpected repair costs.

The total cost of the Groundworks 21617 dehumidifier would depend on several factors beyond the base price, including operational costs, maintenance costs, and potential repair costs over time. Follow up to see the cost breakdown and more.

What is Groundworks Model 21617 Dehumidifier

The Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier is a reliable and efficient home appliance designed to remove excess moisture from the air, helping to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. This dehumidifier is known for its performance in controlling humidity levels, preventing mold and mildew growth, and improving air quality within homes and spaces.

Key Details

The dehumidifier is a whole-home dehumidifier designed to efficiently remove excess moisture from the air in larger spaces or entire homes. Some key details about this dehumidifier:

  • Dehumidifier Type: Whole-home Dehumidifier - This type of dehumidifier is intended to address high humidity levels in larger areas, making it suitable for homes, basements, or other spacious environments.
  • Water Removal Capacity: The Groundworks Model 21617 boasts an impressive water removal capacity of 85 pints per day. This high capacity makes it capable of handling significant moisture levels.
  • Case Volume: The case volume of 3.3 ft³ indicates the physical size of the unit, which can be a consideration when planning for installation in your space.
  • Efficiency (Integrated Energy Factor - L/kWh): With an efficiency rating of 2.35 (L/kWh), this dehumidifier is relatively energy-efficient. A higher efficiency rating suggests that it can effectively remove moisture from the air while consuming less energy, potentially leading to cost savings on electricity bills.

For potential buyers like you, understanding the total cost of owning the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier is crucial for making an informed purchase decision. While the initial purchase price is an important factor, it's just one piece of the puzzle. The total cost encompasses various elements, including operational expenses, maintenance costs, and potential repair expenses over time.

By comprehending the total cost, you can assess the long-term affordability of the dehumidifier and determine whether it aligns with their budget and needs. It also allows you to make cost-effective choices, such as selecting energy-efficient settings and conducting regular maintenance to minimize operational and repair costs. Ultimately, a well-informed buyer is better equipped to make a wise investment that ensures indoor comfort and air quality without breaking the bank.

Ongoing Operational Expenses - Electricity Consumption:

The ongoing operational expenses of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier primarily revolve around electricity consumption. This dehumidifier is an electrical appliance, and its energy usage depends on factors such as the unit's capacity, settings, usage patterns, and local electricity rates.

To estimate the electricity consumption, you can follow these steps:

  • Wattage Rating: Check the unit's wattage rating, usually mentioned in the product specifications or user manual. It typically ranges from 300 to 800 watts for residential dehumidifiers.
  • Usage Hours: Estimate how many hours per day you plan to run the dehumidifier. This can vary based on your specific humidity control needs and the climate of your location.
  • Local Electricity Rate: Determine the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in your area. This rate can usually be found on your electricity bill.
  • Calculation: Multiply the wattage rating by the number of hours of operation and divide by 1,000 to convert to kWh. Then, multiply this by your local electricity rate to find the daily operational cost. Multiply by 30 (days in a month) to get the monthly cost.

Energy Efficiency Rating and Its Impact:

The energy efficiency of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier can be assessed through its Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), which are metrics used to measure a unit's efficiency in cooling and dehumidifying.

  • Higher EER/SEER: A higher rating signifies greater energy efficiency. Dehumidifiers with higher EER or SEER ratings will use less electricity to remove the same amount of moisture, resulting in lower operational costs over time.
  • Long-Term Cost Impact: Investing in an energy-efficient dehumidifier, even if it has a slightly higher upfront cost, can lead to significant savings over its lifespan. Reduced energy consumption means lower monthly electricity bills, making the dehumidifier more cost-effective in the long run.

When purchasing the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier, it's advisable to consider both its initial price and its energy efficiency rating. While a more efficient unit may cost a bit more upfront, it can provide substantial savings on operational expenses, making it a wise choice for budget-conscious buyers in the long term.

Maintenance Cost:

Maintenance is a critical aspect of ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier. Also, the frequency of maintenance tasks for the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier can vary depending on usage and environmental conditions. Below are the key maintenance requirements with frequency and general estimates:

  1. Filter Replacements: The dehumidifier typically has one or more air filters that need regular cleaning or replacement. These filters capture dust, debris, and allergens from the air. Filters typically need replacement every 3 to 6 months. The cost of replacement filters can range from $10 to $30, depending on the type and brand.
  2. Condensate Collection Tank: The water collection tank needs to be emptied when it reaches capacity. Some models have indicator lights to signal when it's time to empty the tank. Emptying the tank should be done when it's full, which varies depending on the unit's capacity and humidity levels in your space. It's a cost-free maintenance task.
  3. Coil Cleaning: The evaporator and condenser coils can accumulate dust and dirt over time. Periodic cleaning of these coils ensures efficient moisture removal. Coil cleaning is recommended every 6 to 12 months. You can perform this task yourself using a soft brush or vacuum cleaner, so there's no direct cost involved.
  4. Hose and Drain Maintenance: If the dehumidifier is connected to a drainage system via a hose, ensure the hose is clear of obstructions and properly connected. Ensuring the drainage hose is clear and properly connected is part of routine checks and doesn't involve additional costs.

Overall, the maintenance costs for the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier are relatively low. Regular filter replacements and occasional coil cleaning are the primary maintenance expenses. These costs are essential for keeping the dehumidifier running efficiently and preventing any issues that could lead to higher repair costs. Proper maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the unit, making it a cost-effective investment over time.

Warranty Coverage:

Regarding the warranty coverage provided by the manufacturer for the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier, which typically includes protection against defects in materials and workmanship.

  • Duration: The warranty duration often varies, but it's commonly between 1 to 5 years. Some manufacturers offer extended warranties for an additional cost.
  • Parts and Labor: During the warranty period, the manufacturer typically covers the cost of both parts and labor for repairs. This means that if any component of the dehumidifier fails due to a manufacturing defect, the manufacturer will repair or replace it at no additional cost to the owner.
  • Limited vs. Full Warranty: Some warranties may have limitations or exclusions, so it's essential to read the warranty terms carefully. Certain parts or issues might have shorter coverage or may not be covered at all.

Potential Repair Costs Outside of Warranty:

Once the warranty period expires, owners may be responsible for repair costs. Repair expenses can vary depending on the complexity of the issue, the availability of replacement parts, and the cost of labor. Some potential repair costs to consider are:

  1. Component Replacement: If a specific component, such as the compressor or fan motor, fails outside of warranty, the cost of replacing that component can range from $100 to $500 or more, including parts and labor.
  2. Freon Recharge: If the refrigerant needs recharging, it can cost anywhere from $100 to $300 or more. This task should be performed by a qualified technician.
  3. Labor Costs: Labor costs for diagnosing and repairing the dehumidifier can vary based on the repair shop or technician. Expect hourly labor rates, which may range from $50 to $150 per hour.
  4. Transportation: If you need to transport the dehumidifier to a repair facility, consider additional costs associated with transportation or shipping.
  5. Emergency Repairs: If the dehumidifier fails during a critical time, emergency repair services might be more expensive, so it's advisable to plan for regular maintenance to avoid such situations.

It's essential to keep in mind that regular maintenance, as discussed earlier, can help prevent many issues that lead to costly repairs. Reading and understanding the manufacturer's warranty terms and performing routine maintenance can ultimately save you money in the long run and extend the lifespan of your Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier.

Groundworks Model 21617 Dehumidifier Total Cost Breakdown

The total cost of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier would depend on several factors beyond the base price, including operational costs, maintenance costs, and potential repair costs over time. Let's break down these costs based on the price range you provided:

  1. Initial Purchase Costs: Varies between $1,500 and $2,000 based on seller and location.
  2. Operational Costs such as Electricity consumption: Depends on usage, electricity rates, and unit wattage.
  3. Maintenance Costs:
    • Filter replacements: Approximately $10 to $30 every 3 to 6 months.
    • Coil cleaning: Occurs every 6 to 12 months and is cost-free.
  4. Potential Repair Costs (Outside Warranty):
    • Component replacement: $100 to $500 or more, including parts and labor.
    • Freon recharge: $100 to $300 or more.
    • Labor costs: Varies based on repair shop or technician rates.
    • Transportation costs (if applicable).

Please note that the costs mentioned are approximate and can vary based on factors such as location, usage, and specific circumstances. Understanding these costs can help you as a potential buyer make informed decisions regarding the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier, taking into account both the upfront investment and the long-term expenses associated with owning and maintaining the appliance.

Extra Features and Accessories:

The Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier may offer various extra features and accessories designed to enhance its performance and convenience. Here are some common ones:

  • Built-in Humidistat: A built-in humidistat allows the dehumidifier to automatically adjust its operation based on the current humidity level. This feature can help maintain a desired humidity level without constant manual adjustments. It can be very useful for maintaining optimal humidity levels automatically. It's not essential but can improve convenience and energy efficiency.
  • Digital Controls: Advanced digital controls provide precise settings for humidity levels and fan speed, making it easier to customize the dehumidifier's operation.
  • Timer Function: A timer function allows users to set specific operating hours, helping to save energy by running the dehumidifier only when needed.
  • Auto-Defrost: An auto-defrost feature prevents the coils from freezing in cold environments, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Caster Wheels: Caster wheels make it easier to move the dehumidifier around your home or space.
  • Drainage Hose: Some models come with a drainage hose that allows for continuous drainage, eliminating the need to empty the water collection tank manually.

Cost Saving Tips and Considerations

  1. Proper Sizing: Ensure that the dehumidifier's capacity matches the size of the space you intend to use it in. An appropriately sized unit will work more efficiently and prevent overexertion.
  2. Set the Right Humidity Level: Use the built-in humidistat or a separate hygrometer to monitor humidity levels. Set the dehumidifier to maintain a comfortable and healthy humidity level, typically between 30% and 50%.
  3. Positioning: Place the dehumidifier in a central location within the room for even moisture control. Make sure it has enough clearance around it for proper airflow.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Clean or replace the air filter as recommended by the manufacturer. Clean coils and condenser fins to remove dust and debris that can hinder efficiency.
  5. Seal Leaks: Seal any gaps or cracks in windows, doors, or walls to prevent excess moisture from entering the space, reducing the workload on the dehumidifier.
  6. Use a Drainage Hose: If possible, connect a drainage hose to allow continuous drainage. This eliminates the need to empty the water collection tank manually.
  7. Operate in Moderation: Avoid running the dehumidifier continuously when not needed. Use timers or humidity settings to turn it on and off as required.
  8. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in the space, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. Ventilation helps remove moisture at the source.
  9. Maintain Optimal Temperature: The dehumidifier works more efficiently in moderate temperatures. Keep the room temperature between 60°F and 80°F (15°C to 27°C).
  10. Close Doors and Windows: When running the dehumidifier, keep doors and windows closed to prevent outside air with high humidity from entering.
  11. Check for Leaks: Regularly inspect the dehumidifier for any leaks or issues. Address them promptly to prevent potential damage and inefficiency.
  12. Regular Servicing: Schedule professional maintenance if you're unsure about cleaning or maintenance tasks. Regular servicing can keep the unit operating at peak efficiency.

By following these tips, users can maximize the efficiency of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier while minimizing operational costs. This not only helps maintain a comfortable indoor environment but also extends the lifespan of the appliance.

Groundworks Model 21617 Dehumidifier Alternatives

There are several alternatives to the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier, each with its own set of features, capacities, and price points. When considering alternatives, it's essential to assess your specific needs and preferences. Here are a few dehumidifier alternatives you can explore:

  1. Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 Dehumidifier: This is a popular and highly rated dehumidifier known for its efficiency and ease of use. It offers various capacities to suit different room sizes.
  2. Honeywell TP70WK Dehumidifier: Honeywell offers a range of dehumidifiers, including this model. It's energy-efficient and comes with a digital humidistat for precise humidity control.
  3. Danby DDR070BDWDB Dehumidifier: Danby offers affordable and effective dehumidifiers. This model, in particular, is known for its reliability and quiet operation.
  4. LG PuriCare UD501KOG5 Dehumidifier: LG produces high-quality appliances, and this dehumidifier offers advanced features like Wi-Fi connectivity for remote control and monitoring.
  5. Eva-Dry E-500 Renewable Mini Dehumidifier: If you need a smaller, portable solution, consider a renewable mini dehumidifier like the Eva-Dry E-500. It doesn't use electricity and is suitable for small spaces.
  6. GE Appliances ADEL35LZ-GE Dehumidifier: GE manufactures dehumidifiers with various capacities and features, including adjustable humidity settings and easy-to-use controls.
  7. Ivation 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier: Ivation offers a range of dehumidifiers, and this Energy Star-rated model is known for its efficiency and user-friendly design.
  8. Hisense DH7019KP1WG Dehumidifier: Hisense provides dehumidifiers with different capacities and options. This model is designed for large spaces and is Energy Star-certified.

When comparing alternatives, consider factors such as the dehumidifier's capacity, energy efficiency, noise level, maintenance requirements, and pricing. Read user reviews and consult product specifications to find the one that best fits your specific needs and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the water removal capacity of the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier?

Answer: The Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier has a water removal capacity of 85 pints per day, making it suitable for larger spaces and whole-home dehumidification.

2. Is the Groundworks Model 21617 energy-efficient?

Answer: Yes, this dehumidifier is relatively energy-efficient with an efficiency rating of 2.35 (L/kWh), which can result in potential electricity cost savings over time.

3. What type of dehumidifier is the Groundworks Model 21617?

Answer: The Groundworks Model 21617 is classified as a whole-home dehumidifier, designed for use in larger spaces or entire homes.

4. How does the price of the Groundworks Model 21617 compare to other dehumidifiers?

Answer: Whole-home dehumidifiers with high water removal capacities, like the Groundworks Model 21617, generally fall within the price range of $1,500 to $2,000 or potentially higher, depending on brand and features.

5. Are there any risks associated with using the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier?

Answer: Like all electrical appliances, there are potential risks, including electrical hazards and water leakage. Proper installation, maintenance, and adherence to safety guidelines are essential to mitigate these risks.

6. What are the advantages of choosing the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier over other models?

Answer: Advantages include its high water removal capacity, energy efficiency, competitive pricing, reliability, and potential long-term cost savings.

7. How can users save on operational costs when using the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier?

Answer: Users can save on operational costs by setting the optimal humidity level, performing regular maintenance, using timers, and ensuring proper sizing for their space.

8. What are the typical maintenance requirements for the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier?

Answer: Maintenance includes cleaning or replacing the air filter every 3 to 6 months, cleaning coils periodically, and regular inspections for leaks or issues.

9. Does the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier come with a warranty?

Answer: Warranty coverage can vary by manufacturer. Buyers should review the manufacturer's warranty terms and conditions for specific details.

10. What extra features are available with the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier?

Answer: Common features may include a humidistat, digital controls, auto-shutoff, continuous drainage option, adjustable fan speed, and caster wheels for portability. Specific features may vary by model and brand.


In conclusion, the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier is a powerful solution designed to tackle excess humidity in larger spaces or entire homes. With an impressive water removal capacity of 85 pints per day and an energy-efficient design, it offers both performance and potential energy savings.

While it may fall within the higher price range of whole-home dehumidifiers, its competitive pricing, reliability, and features make it a compelling choice for those seeking effective moisture control. Proper installation, maintenance, and safety precautions are essential to maximize its benefits while minimizing risks.

Understanding the total cost of ownership, including upfront purchase costs, operational expenses, maintenance requirements, and potential repairs, is crucial for prospective buyers. Additionally, comparing it to other models on the market and considering individual needs and preferences will help determine if the Groundworks Model 21617 dehumidifier aligns with your specific requirements.

With its capacity, efficiency, and features, this dehumidifier offers a promising solution for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Making an informed decision based on your unique circumstances will ensure that you get the most value out of this appliance while effectively managing moisture levels in your home.

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