UFE Treatment Cost In Broward County

Total Cost Estimate

The total estimated cost of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) treatment can vary widely based on some factors. However, to provide a rough estimate, the total cost of UFE could range from approximately $9,800 to $23,800 or more, depending on your specific circumstances and any unforeseen complications. With price highlights below:

  • Medical Consultation: $100 - $300
  • Imaging and Tests: $200 - $2,000
  • Procedure Cost: $5,000 - $10,000 or more
  • Anesthesia: $500 - $2,000
  • Hospital or Facility Fees: $1,000 - $5,000
  • Radiologist and Medical Team Fees: $2,000 - $5,000
  • Medication: A few hundred dollars
  • Follow-up Appointments: $100 - $500 each
  • Complications or Additional Procedures: Variable
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Variable

If you're you considering UFE treatment in Broward County and wondering about the associated costs? You're not alone. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of UFE treatment costs in Broward County, providing you with valuable insights and a breakdown of the expenses you might encounter. Whether you're exploring your options for fibroid treatment or preparing for the procedure, understanding the financial aspects is crucial.

Let's begin by shedding light on the cost considerations for UFE in this region.

What is UFE

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to treat uterine fibroids, which are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. UFE is an alternative to traditional surgical options like myomectomy (removal of fibroids) or hysterectomy (removal of the entire uterus).

How UFE Works

  1. Procedure: UFE is typically performed by an interventional radiologist. It begins with local anesthesia to numb the area near the femoral artery in your groin. A tiny incision is made in the groin area.
  2. Catheter Insertion: A catheter is then inserted into the femoral artery, and guided through blood vessels to the arteries supplying blood to the uterus.
  3. Embolization: Tiny particles, usually made of plastic or gelatin, are injected through the catheter into the uterine arteries. These particles block the blood flow to the fibroids, essentially starving them of oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Monitoring: Throughout the procedure, imaging techniques like fluoroscopy or MRI may be used to ensure the embolization particles are correctly placed.
  5. Recovery: After the procedure, you'll be monitored for a few hours or overnight in the hospital. Most patients can return home the next day. Recovery time varies, but many women are back to their normal activities within a week or two.

Advantages of UFE:

  1. Preservation of Uterus: Unlike a hysterectomy, which removes the uterus, UFE preserves it, making it an option for women who wish to have children in the future.
  2. Minimally Invasive: UFE is less invasive than surgery, leading to shorter recovery times and less scarring.
  3. Effective: UFE is often effective in reducing or eliminating the symptoms caused by fibroids, such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain.

Risks and Considerations:

  1. UFE may cause temporary side effects such as pain, fever, and vaginal discharge.
  2. There's a small risk that the blood supply to the ovaries could be affected, leading to early menopause in rare cases.
  3. While UFE is effective for many women, it's not suitable for everyone, and the decision should be made after discussing your specific case with a healthcare provider.
  4. It's essential to consult with a gynecologist or interventional radiologist to determine if UFE is the right treatment option for your specific situation. They can provide you with personalized guidance and discuss the potential risks and benefits in detail.

Treatment Cost

The cost of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) treatment can vary widely depending on various factors in Broward, which include the healthcare facility you choose, your insurance coverage, and any additional medical needs. Here's a breakdown of potential costs associated with UFE treatment:

  1. Medical Consultation: Before UFE, you will likely have one or more consultations with a healthcare provider. These initial consultations can cost anywhere from $100 to $300 or more, depending on the provider and your insurance.
  2. Imaging and Tests: You may need imaging tests like MRI or ultrasound to diagnose and plan the UFE procedure. These tests can range from $200 to $2,000, depending on where and how they are performed.
  3. Procedure Cost: The actual UFE procedure cost varies significantly. It can range from $5,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on your location and the complexity of your case.
  4. Anesthesia: The cost of anesthesia for the procedure can add an additional $500 to $2,000 to the overall bill.
  5. Hospital or Facility Fees: This includes the cost of using the medical facility for the procedure. It can range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more.
  6. Radiologist and Medical Team Fees: Fees for the interventional radiologist and the medical team involved in the procedure may vary but could be in the range of $2,000 to $5,000.
  7. Medication: You may be prescribed medications before and after the procedure. The cost of these medications can vary, but budget a few hundred dollars.
  8. Follow-up Appointments: After the procedure, you may need follow-up appointments for monitoring and recovery. These can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 each.
  9. Complications or Additional Procedures: In some cases, complications may arise, requiring additional medical procedures or treatments. The cost of these will depend on the nature of the complication.
  10. Insurance Coverage: Your health insurance may cover a portion of these costs. It's essential to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage, including deductibles, co-pays, and any out-of-pocket maximums.
  11. Out-of-Pocket Expenses: You should also consider expenses such as transportation to and from the hospital or facility, as well as any lodging and meals if you need to travel for the procedure.

Note: These cost estimates are approximate and can vary significantly based on your specific circumstances. It's crucial to discuss the financial aspects of UFE with your healthcare provider and your insurance company to get a more accurate estimate of what you can expect to pay. Additionally, inquire about payment plans or financial assistance options if needed to manage the costs.

Tips and Recommendations

  1. Consultation and Evaluation:
    • Start by scheduling a consultation with a gynecologist or interventional radiologist who specializes in fibroid treatment.
    • Provide your complete medical history and be prepared to discuss your symptoms, previous treatments, and your desire to preserve fertility if applicable.
  2. Research Healthcare Providers:
    • Research and choose a reputable healthcare facility or hospital in Broward County that offers UFE procedures.
    • Check the qualifications and experience of the medical team, particularly the interventional radiologist who will perform the procedure.
  3. Insurance Coverage:
    • Contact your health insurance provider to understand your coverage for UFE. Inquire about deductibles, co-pays, and any out-of-pocket maximums.
    • Confirm whether the chosen healthcare facility is in-network or out-of-network.
  4. Cost Estimation:
    • Request a detailed official cost estimate for the entire UFE treatment, including consultation, tests, the procedure itself, and any follow-up appointments.
    • Discuss payment plans and financing options with the healthcare facility if necessary.
  5. Pre-Procedure Preparation:
    • Follow your healthcare provider's instructions for pre-procedure preparations, which may include fasting before the UFE.
    • Arrange for transportation to and from the facility on the day of the procedure.
  6. Support System:
    • Consider having a friend or family member accompany you to the facility on the day of the procedure and help with post-procedure care and transportation.
  7. Post-Procedure Recovery:
    • Expect to stay in the hospital or facility for a few hours to overnight after the procedure for monitoring.
    • Stock up on groceries, pain relievers, and any prescribed medications for a comfortable recovery at home.
  8. Follow-Up Care:
    • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and address any concerns.
    • Report any unusual symptoms or complications promptly to your healthcare provider.
  9. Lifestyle Changes:
    • Follow your healthcare provider's advice on making lifestyle changes that can support your recovery, such as dietary recommendations and physical activity guidelines.
  10. Patience and Rest:
    • Understand that recovery times can vary. Be patient with your body's healing process and rest as needed.
    • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for the recommended period.
  11. Fertility Preservation (if applicable):
    • If you plan to have children in the future, discuss fertility preservation options with your healthcare provider before the procedure.
  12. Seek Second Opinions:
    • If you have any doubts or concerns, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion from another healthcare provider to ensure you are making an informed decision.
    • Remember that UFE is a medical procedure, and your healthcare provider is your best resource for personalized guidance and recommendations. They can provide you with detailed information specific to your case and help you navigate the entire process with confidence.

Alternative Treatments

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) was one of the primary minimally invasive treatments for uterine fibroids available in Broward County and across the United States. However, it's important to note that medical practices and treatment options may evolve over time. Here are some alternative treatments that were available for uterine fibroids as of my last update:

  1. Myomectomy: Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. This option is suitable for women who want to maintain their fertility or keep their uterus intact.
  2. Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the complete removal of the uterus. It is typically considered when other treatments have not been successful or when there are other medical concerns.
  3. Endometrial Ablation: This procedure is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids. It involves destroying the lining of the uterus to reduce or eliminate bleeding. It is not suitable for women who wish to preserve fertility.
  4. MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS): MRgFUS is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound waves to heat and destroy fibroid tissue. It's suitable for some women with small to medium-sized fibroids.
  5. Medications: Hormonal medications, such as birth control pills or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, may be prescribed to help manage fibroid symptoms, but they do not eliminate the fibroids.
  6. Laparoscopic Myolysis: This minimally invasive surgical technique involves using electric current or laser to shrink or destroy fibroids. It's a less common option compared to UFE.
  7. Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): UAE is similar to UFE but uses slightly different embolic materials. It is an alternative minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids.

Since medical practices and available treatments can change over time, I recommend consulting with a healthcare provider in Broward County to get the most up-to-date information on treatment options for uterine fibroids. They can provide guidance based on your specific case and preferences, helping you choose the most suitable treatment option.

Reducing UFE Treatments Cost

Reducing UFE treatment costs in Broward County is a common concern. Here are potential cost-cutting ways:

  1. Insurance Review: Understand your insurance coverage and negotiate with providers to maximize benefits.
  2. Comparison Shopping: Research multiple healthcare facilities to find competitive pricing for UFE.
  3. In-Network Providers: Choose in-network facilities and specialists to lower out-of-pocket expenses.
  4. Government Programs: Check if you qualify for government assistance or Medicaid to offset costs.
  5. Payment Plans: Inquire about payment plans or financing options with the healthcare facility.
  6. Patient Assistance Programs: Some hospitals offer financial aid or charity care based on income.
  7. Medical Tourism: Consider traveling to nearby areas with lower healthcare costs if feasible.
  8. Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Utilize tax-advantaged accounts to cover medical expenses.
  9. Clinical Trials: Explore participation in clinical trials, which may provide reduced or free treatment.
  10. Minimize Additional Costs: Follow post-procedure care instructions to minimize complications and additional expenses.
  11. Seek Second Opinions: Consult multiple healthcare providers to explore all treatment options and cost variations.
  12. Community Resources: Reach out to local organizations or support groups for potential financial assistance.

Please, discuss these options with your healthcare provider to ensure they align with your medical needs and circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is UFE treatment, and why might someone consider it?

A1: UFE, or Uterine Fibroid Embolization, is a medical procedure used to treat uterine fibroids. It's considered when fibroids cause symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain.

Q2: How much does UFE treatment cost in Broward County, Florida?

A2: The cost of UFE in Broward County can vary widely but typically ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on various factors.

Q3: What factors affect the cost of UFE treatment?

A3: Several factors can impact the cost, including the healthcare facility, insurance coverage, the complexity of the procedure, and any additional medical needs.

Q4: Does insurance cover UFE treatment?

A4: Health insurance may cover a portion of the UFE treatment cost. It's essential to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses.

Q5: Are there any financial assistance options available for UFE treatment?

A5: Some healthcare facilities may offer payment plans or financial assistance programs to help manage the cost of UFE treatment. Inquire about these options with your chosen provider.

Q6: How can I get a more accurate cost estimate for UFE treatment in Broward County?

A6: To obtain a precise cost estimate, it's advisable to schedule a consultation with a healthcare provider and discuss your specific case and medical needs.

Q7: What does the UFE treatment cost typically include?

A7: The UFE treatment cost usually includes the procedure itself, consultation fees, facility fees, anesthesia, and follow-up appointments. Medication costs may vary.

Q8: Are there any potential additional costs associated with UFE treatment?

A8: Additional costs may arise if there are complications or if you require additional procedures or tests beyond the standard UFE treatment.

Q9: Can I choose where to have my UFE treatment in Broward County?

A9: Yes, you can select the healthcare facility or hospital where you receive UFE treatment. It's recommended to research and choose a reputable provider.

Q10: What should I do if I have concerns about the cost of UFE treatment?

A10: If you have cost concerns, consider seeking a second opinion from another healthcare provider and discussing payment options or financial assistance programs with your chosen facility.


In conclusion, navigating the landscape of UFE treatment costs in Broward County requires careful consideration and planning. As we've explored in this article, the price of Uterine Fibroid Embolization can vary based on multiple factors, including the healthcare facility, insurance coverage, and individual medical needs. Being well-informed and proactive in your approach to UFE treatment can help you make sound financial decisions while prioritizing your health.

Remember to start by consulting with experienced healthcare providers who can offer personalized guidance and cost estimates tailored to your specific situation. Additionally, engage with your health insurance provider to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

While cost is undoubtedly an important factor, it should not overshadow the primary goal of UFE treatment: improving your quality of life by alleviating the symptoms associated with uterine fibroids. With the right information and support, you can make informed choices that align with your healthcare needs and financial considerations.

Ultimately, your journey toward UFE treatment in Broward County should be guided by a balance of medical expertise, financial prudence, and the pursuit of improved well-being.

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